Monday, April 9, 2012

What Makes Jesus Different Event

First time being involved in an outreach event with different ministries on campus collaborate together. It was really all Him who brought all of us together and make this happen. I really enjoy listening to Andy Bannister's speech and the Q&A session is specially interesting.

Event turned out really well!! It was almost full. People from different faith background came and interesting discussion followed. A couple more people wanted to get connected to churches and on campus ministries, some wanted to help and some offered some really good future suggestions.

Come to think about it, it's pretty amazing to see how different people bringing different things to the table to make things work out, logistics, promo, financial, follow up, prayer team. Thank You for bringing all of us together! Thanks for giving me this opportunity to serve You together with other amazing people who believed in You! Thank You for showing me what I can offer to the table when I thought there isn't. Thank You for showing me unity and what a huge difference it make when people come together with the same purpose. Thank You for teaching me about humbleness, on how much I can learn from others regardless of faith background.

Happy Easter everyone!!  Christ has risen indeed!  =)  It's a happy day!

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