Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I might sound weird tonight, but bear with me, I'm under some assignment stress!

talking bad about ppl really makes me feel soooo bad in the end,
so challenge of the time: no bad talks!!! only gud talks!!!

count down to the so call free time: nah, it's better to not count for my case cox i'll slack off earlier before it ends XD

Once again, dis is a very weird post, so pls dun read (and I put dis in the end, very smart rite?) XD

1 comment:

everjihad said...

heee.. i like2. gud talk. don't have bad talk. bad talk portray a bad heart we have or a.k.a hati busuk.

waa. dun want la like that kan! we r gud person with gud heart (to be shape time by time) =)

lets scream together..

LOL. i dunno why my heart terdetik to open other people blog while I have essay that due tomorrow!

in progress. hmm..why when the closer the deadline the higher the tendency we do something that not related at all?


p.s : miss to see your smile!