Saturday, October 18, 2008

Christie and I prepared 1200 servings today!!

Fun fun day!!
2day, I went to the zoo to be a volunteer.
Jux to fulfill my community service thing.
Before I continue the story, some things to complain...

Complaint starts.
[I felt that some of the people went there jux to fulfill the community service requirements. Yea, same to me. However, they are showing unwillingness in doing their job. Why? I jux don't get it. Why choose to live a sad life over a happy life? I always believe that it is us who are the one to decide how we 1na live our day. don't you? Sometimes I felt that Canada shouldn't cut short the community service time. It just don't make sense.From 50+ hours(if I'm nt mistaken la) to 10 hours. It makes me feel that they jux have this service thing jux to make it as an indicator that it is diff from malaysian style and it's Canada's education system. It is too easy to fulfill the 10 hours la... jux one day in the zoo already take up 8 hours.]

Complaint ends.

When we reach there, we were divided into 5 teams with 5 members in each team. I was being sent to the bird department. At first, all of us showed unwillingness to go to that department cox everyone wanted to go to places where they have exotic animals like tiger, lion, bear etc. But soon, everyone start to accpet their fate. I was lucky to tell the staff (which we call dem Abang) that I know how to cook. Christie and I was sent to the kitchen (air-conditioned). We were cutting vegies (llettuce and cabbage). I felt like a super duper famous chef, for we need to serve 1200 servings for birds and we were using super duper big and sharp knife to cut the vegies (fast and efficient were our middle names). hee! =P

I start to feel luckier when I found out that the others are sweeping (cleaning) dust, leaves and worst of all, SHIT! We seemed to be really lucky to get to stay in the kitchen. Damn lucky man!

10 -1030am was our break. The abangs were really nice. They let us out early. (thanks abangs!!) Took a lot of crazy girls (siao char boS) heehee~

Went back at 1020am (see we're so guai) d kitchen chefs (me n cristie) were sent to tear papers for the new born babies (for them to sleep on). Aft tearing for 1 hour+ +, our thumbs were swollen! damn painful! Others continue sweeping (kesian them la, bt they get 2 approach 2 the emus....yer...) The main chef (one of the abang there) pity us, he asked us to stop and go into the kitchen. We thought we get to do cut stuffs again, mana tau it's shreadding the bread!!

It rained later on. Others were soaked wet! me n Chirstie were "dry dry" hehee.
All the girls ended up shredding the bread. The abangs released us 1 hour earlier!! Again, we turned into siao char bos! photos here n there...

meet up wit li ann them. took group photos... makan in the Wild. D food sucks!
really yucky food!

anyways, kinda lazy 2 write a detailed story,
Jux 1na said dat d abangs really take care of me n Christie, we get 2 b in d air cond room, feed d birds, b close 2 d birds, row boat, go 2 d island, n take pic wit d birds there,
it's really a new experience n I love it!

Again, I would like 2 say: it's ur choice; whether 2 be happy 4 d next 60 seconds, or be sad 4 d next 1 min, it's really ur choice, no one can control it, time will still pass by~

Well, mine is d 1st option! n I will definitely nt let sadness control me!
dat's me, Hexen!

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